Drink Safely

Safety Tip of the Week
Drink Responsibly

Whether it’s green beer or something stronger, drinking alcohol seems to be associated with St. Patrick’s Day. It’s great to celebrate, but greater still to have a designated driver or another means of getting home safely when you’ve had too much to ride or drive safely.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2011, 42% of fatal motorcycle riders who died in single vehicle crashes had a blood alcohol content of at least 0.8. That’s a sobering statistic, if there ever was one.

You can get apps on your phone that calculate your blood alcohol content based on your weight, sex, and how many drinks you’ve had. You can get small hand-held breathalyzers, but the cheaper ones might give inaccurate readings. Coming soon will be gadgets you can plug into your phone. You’ll be able to breathe into them and use the app to see your blood alcohol content.

Until then, drink responsibly and, if you’re not sure, take a cab.

Stay safe out there!
- Mike

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