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Made for Riders, with your feedback.
Imagine it’s a beautiful, sunny day. You’re out on your bike, minding your own business, just enjoying the freedom of the road.
You didn’t gear up, maybe just a helmet, eyewear, and gloves because it’s a nice day and you won’t be gone long.
As you ride, something catches the corner of your eye… maybe it’s another vehicle, an animal, or a piece of debris. It’s headed your way quickly. You take evasive action.
Sometimes your skills bring you through safely, and sometimes you are unlucky. But today, it was only a close call. You made it through unscathed.
Such a scare causes some to park or sell their bike and never ride again. But most simply count their blessings and later on enjoy sharing the adventure of their close call.
When thinking back on that moment, however, they privately wonder: “Should I have worn something different? Could I have reacted sooner? What could have gone wrong?”
And the most important question of all:
“What can I do to make sure I don’t get into that situation again?
At Eagle Leather we hear the stories of the close calls, the falls, and the tragedies that can happen as a motorcycle rider. That’s why our mission is to provide motorcycle riders like you with the right gear to ride protected in comfort and style.
We know by speaking with the many motorcycle riders that come into our store, that one of the most overlooked pieces of safety equipment is motorcycle footwear. Probably because they are as far away from the mind as you can get while still being part of the body.
So, what do you need to know about motorcycle boots?
Having the right footwear when riding your motorcycle is a matter of style, practicality, and safety.
The right pair of motorcycle boots lets you shift gears and hit the brakes reliably. They keep your legs and feet safe whenever you hit the highway. In other words, boots are essential motorcycle gear in every way that matters.
So, what do you need to consider when choosing your motorcycle boots?
There are several things to consider about motorcycle boots.
First, what kind of bike do you ride, and how do you ride it?
If your riding style is more on the hardcore side, you’ll need particularly robust boots. In other words, you’ll want extra support and protection for your feet and ankles if you like taking your bike on some intense rides. Such boots might come at a greater cost, but they’ll be critical for hardcore riders.
Now if your rides are more subdued, a standard pair of motorcycle boots will fit the job perfectly.
Next, you should make sure the boots are of a precise size that ideally fits your foot and leg. This might seem like a given, but you’d be surprised at how many people get their boot size wrong, and it brings about more than mere inconvenience. If your boots are too tight or too loose, you could struggle to shift gears. (Not to mention that wearing them for a long time could damage your feet.)
A right-sized boot shouldn’t shimmy when you’re on the go. At the same time, it should provide enough space for your toes to wiggle. Most importantly, the boot should lock in your ankle and foot without causing any pain.
Finally, you should consider the style.
Motorcycle boots come in a variety of styles and features. They can be shorter or taller, with zippers, harnesses, or laces. They can be designed for different riding terrain.
There are different choices of material as well, however, for many bikers, nothing can compare to the look and feel of genuine leather.
When you consider all of these factors, you’ll know precisely what kind of motorcycle boots you need.
But what if you found a pair of regular shoes that more or less fit the bill? Would those be just as good to use while riding your bike?
The answer is a resounding NO!
You’ve probably seen people riding their bikes in things like sneakers or regular shoes. At first glance, it might look like a good idea. After all, normal shoes seem more comfortable and can double as regular footwear once you reach your destination.
However, if you’re serious about getting on the road with your bike, doing so wearing normal shoes is absolute insanity.
Shoes are meant for everyday use. They aren’t intended to endure the stress of the ride. On the other hand, motorcycle boots are designed to keep you safe and looking good as you cruise down the road.
To improve safety, motorcycle boots are usually made from thick leather, although other materials can be found depending on the type of riding you do. They can also include energy absorbing or load spreading material. Some include metal, plastic, or composite materials for added protection of the motorcycle rider's feet, ankles and legs.
And unlike street shoes, motorcycle boots are also reinforced in key spots, and that’s for a very good reason. If you get into an accident or fall off your bike, regular footwear won’t do much in terms of protection. Your calves, feet, and ankles will be exposed to impact. If you’re wearing motorcycle boots, however, their sturdy materials and additional reinforcement will keep you better protected.
Now, you might be convinced that sneakers won’t keep you safe. But you may still be wondering whether other protective footwear might work instead.
It’s easy to look at a pair of safety or woodland shoes and think: “Hey, I could ride my bike in these.”
But motorcycle boots are made the way they are for a reason.
Safety shoes can protect you from things falling on your feet and can keep you from slipping. Yet, they are far from ideal when it comes to riding your bike.
You don’t only need tough shoes when you’re on your motorcycle. You need boots that can protect you while you’re going highway speeds.
That’s why motorcycle boots are more than an accessory or a fashion statement. They’re designed for a particular purpose and can’t be replaced.
Your motorcycle boots can make all the difference between experiencing the full joy of a motorcycle ride or having a painful, miserable experience.
If you want to stay safe on your bike and look great regardless of whether you’re riding or walking, you should take your time to choose the ideal pair of boots.
And you could find just what you’re looking for at Eagle Leather. Feel free to browse our Men's Motorcycle Boots and Women's Motorcycle Boots. Chances are you’ll spot the perfect pair of motorcycle boots to complete your outfit.
Made for Riders, with your feedback.
When it comes to staying safe on the road, your gloves are more than just an accessory—they’re essential. Good gloves protect your hands, provide a...
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