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Made for Riders, with your feedback.
Here are some odd facts about designers who don’t—I repeat, don’t—design gear for Eagle Leather.
Yves Klein was not happy with any of the dozens of shades of blue. So he created his own. He patented International Klein Blue. He sometimes used human beings as though they were paint bushes.
Salvador Dali—the guy with the amazing mustache who painted those melting watches—was a genuine prankster. He kept a pet ocelot. Once he drove to Paris with his car filled with cauliflower. And another time he buried himself in paper money.
Made for Riders, with your feedback.
When it comes to staying safe on the road, your gloves are more than just an accessory—they’re essential. Good gloves protect your hands, provide a...
Yet, there’s no denying it: Unless you plan to ride exclusively around the Southern United States, you’ll face some chilly winters. And even before it...