Three Reasons Riding Makes A Better Commute

Three Reasons Riding Makes a Better Commute

March 21, 2013

Three Reasons Riding Makes a Better Commute!
Take Your Motorcycle to the Office and Enjoy Great Benefits!

Chances are if you are reading this, you love riding your motorcycle. So it’s surprising to find that many riders actually commute to work in a car, as opposed to riding their motorcycles. Forbes contributor Jason Fogelson published an article for the magazine that explained the benefits of taking the bike to work. We loved the article and wanted to share three reasons why riding to work makes a better commute.

Reason #1: Motorcycle insurance costs 50% less than car insurance.
Not only are motorcycles less expensive than cars to purchase, insuring them costs an average of 50% less for basic insurance, which is required by most US states. Fogelson explains, “If you’re an adult with a good driving record and you’re riding a sensible motorcycle, you may be surprised by how little insurance can cost.” Most insurance companies also typically offer rate discounts to riders who partake in motorcycle safety classes too.

Reason #2: Motorcycles have better fuel economy.
With gas prices as unpredictable as they are, it makes sense to consider fuel economy for your morning commute. But instead of driving a tiny electric car to work, you can get the same or better gas mileage by riding a motorcycle. Even larger bikes still average around 30 MPG, and if you opt for a smaller commuter bike, you will be looking more toward 100 MPG. It’s also relatively affordable to maintain a bike. When you purchase a proven reliable bike with a good warranty, you will save a significant amount on routine maintenance, compared to the costs of maintaining a car.

Reason #3: Riding a motorcycle is way more FUN!
Let’s be honest—commuting to work is anything but fun. Sitting in traffic listening to “up-to-the-minute traffic updates” telling you that you’re not going anywhere is stress-inducing and fatiguing. By the time you finally make it in to work, you’re already tired and grumpy just from the commute. Fogelson includes this quote from Motorcyclist Radio host Steve Natt in his article: “The vast majority of American motorcyclists ride motorcycles for fun. It’s also safe to say the vast majority of American commuters don’t love their commute because it isn’t fun. Ergo sum: Commuting on a bike makes commuting fun.”

Riding is also much more meditative than driving. Fogelson also quotes Jon Langston, Associate Editor at, who explains, “If I’ve got a big meeting or a project that needs tackling, a morning commute on a bike clears my head, keeps me centered and focused on what needs to get done. Usually, by the time I arrive I know exactly how I’m going to approach my day.”

Other great benefits to commuting include access the carpool lane and up-front parking. Californians even have the option of lane splitting (read more about that here).

Some of the bikes that Fogelson highlights in his article as great for commuting include the BMW GS Bikes, Triumph Tiger Explorer, Suzuki Bergman 650 ABS, and the Kawasaki KLR 650.

(In my humble opinion, those are okay, but nothing enhances a commute better than the rumbling engine sound of a Harley or similar machine…)

    Let us know what you think about commuting on your bike. Have you ever done it? We want to hear what you have to say on the Eagle Leather Facebook Page!

    Comment: "Just read your article about commuting to work. I think you should add my bike to your list of great commuter bikes, the Honda NC700x. It's basically made for commuting at 70 mpg and a blast to ride! In California, riding in carpool lanes and lane splitting definitely helps!" - David T. on the Eagle Leather Facebook Page.


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