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Made for Riders, with your feedback.
December 22, 2012
Part IV: A Gift Rider’s List – The Conclusion
Last-Minute Gift Ideas!
Christmas is literally days away, and you’ve waited until the last minute to finish your shopping, right? Join the club. Luckily the conclusion of Eagle Leather’s four-part blog series “A Rider’s Gift List” will give you the de-procrastination inspiration you need to Santa up and get to Eagle Leather!
Last-Minute Gift Ideas Your Riding Friends and Family Members Will Love
Idea #1: Vintage Harley Prints
All motorcycle lovers can appreciate the American symbol that is historic Harley Davidson. If your bike lover relishes the feeling of nostalgia that accompanies antique Harley memorabilia, then a vintage Harley print makes an awesome gift. Ideal for the office, garage, or even a finely furnished living room, these pieces of beloved Americana will be sure conversation starters.
Idea #2: GoPro Cameras
For the adventure-loving adrenaline junkies in your life who dream of capturing their best rides and tricks on film, a GoPro camera is an excellent gift. These tough little cameras mount directly to your helmet or bike and turn its wearer into the next Martin Scorcese. They capture HD picture and sound and are built for adventure—sturdy and lightweight. GoPro’s line of cameras has been getting a ton of press lately, so it’s a solid gift choice that your bike enthusiast will love for years.
Idea #3: 5-Mile Chatterbox
Face it—we live in a connected world. You spend five minutes away from your phone, and you come back to ten emails and four missed calls. For the rider who needs to be constantly connected, the 5-mile chatterbox is the gift to get. With advanced Bluetooth technology, a rider can sync up to two devices to make and answer calls, listen to music, or even get turn-by-turn navigation prompts from a Bluetooth GPS—all through a small headset! This is a first-rate gift that is sure to be used and appreciated.
Idea #4: Stuff That Stocking!
From key chains to zipper pulls—Eagle Leather has a wide variety of stocking staples for every rider, including:
Made for Riders, with your feedback.
When it comes to staying safe on the road, your gloves are more than just an accessory—they’re essential. Good gloves protect your hands, provide a...
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