Be Prepared
A twenty-fifth anniversary is a great thing to celebrate, and those celebrations often include large gatherings and alcohol. In Washington State, those gatherings are limited due to COVID-19. However, in 2020, alcohol sales have risen way above the normal level, and the potential for encountering someone who is impaired is greatly increased.
As a rider you know that defensive driving is a must, so here are some tips for reducing the risks.
- Maintain your motorcycle. Tire pressure and tread, fluids like gas and oil, and brakes can all change the performance and responsiveness of your motorcycle.
- Turn signals, headlights, and tail/ brake lights that are not working properly can cause those around you to have poor reactions increasing the potential for an accident.
- Wear proper gear. We have all heard the stories of a fellow rider who was doing everything right when someone hit them causing an accident. At Eagle Leather, we hear lots of stories from lots of different types of riders and ages. The one consistent thing is that those wearing protective gear are thankful they did.
- Ride confidently, but not aggressively. A confident rider is like a Boy Scout; they are prepared with escape routes and always look for signs of potential trouble.
- Make yourself seen and heard. A louder horn or pipes can make other drivers aware you are around even if they cannot see you directly. Lights, reflective material and hi-viz colors make you easier to pick out.
The Boy Scout motto says it best when it comes to safety: Be Prepared!
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