Stay Safe To Enjoy Your Trip

Safety Tip of the Week
Trip Safety

If you’re taking a trip—and a day trip counts—by yourself, there are a few recommendations that will keep you safer.

Be sure someone knows where you are going, when you plan to leave and return, and your route. Set a time when you’ll check in, even if you’re still traveling. Be sure your backup person knows what to do if you lose contact.

Try to get home before dusk. The trip in the blog is planned to get you home before the school bus comes, but on any given day, you’re safer to be off the road when the critters start moving around sundown.

Wear layers so you can adjust to the temperature as the day goes on.

Inspect your bike not just when you set out, but every time you stop—for lunch, for a photo-op, whatever. Check the tires for tread wear, nails, cuts; check for oil or antifreeze drips or spots on the bike; look at the chain and sprocket to be sure there are no kinks, metal shavings, or broken teeth.

Drink plenty of water and not very much alcohol. Try not to eat so much you get sleepy.

Just in case, keep your emergency information handy. Some people keep information about their prescriptions, allergies, and contact information in a pouch taped to their helmet.

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