How to Plan for a Ride

Tips for Planning a Long Ride

When you’re planning a ride, take a few simple precautions to ensure everything goes smoothly.

  • Plan Ahead. Use maps as well as GPS—some areas might be more remote than you think.
  • Scout Your Route. Know where you can gas up, decide if you’ll stop at restaurants or picnic, and plan your overnight accommodations.
  • Inform Someone About Your Plans. Share the entire route with them and set up times for daily check-ins.
  • Prepare for the Weather. Check predictions and be ready for changes. For example, if you take the Natchez Trace ride, check the website daily for severe weather warnings and information about shelters in case of tornadoes.
  • Ensure Your Motorcycle is in Top Shape. Do your own maintenance or take it to a mechanic.
  • Bring a Tool Kit. Carry tools for minor repairs.
  • Test New Gear and Equipment. Try out any new gear or equipment before you go.

Stay safe out there!
- Mike

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